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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

«Regional Economics: Theory and Practice»

Vol. 7, Iss. 42, December 2009

 Strategy of development of region

Leverage indicator of regional financial security and employment of population: theoretical search

Ryszakov E.D. / Nikitina A.H. )

Prospects of social and economic development of the Republic of Mari El

Yakupov I.G. )

Metrics generating characterising region’s economic activity

Tsaregorodtsev E.I. / Sarycheva T.V. )

 Economy and management

Analytical perfomance evaluation of innovative activities of entreprises

Barilenko V.I. )

Strategic cost analysis

Nesterov V.N. )

About system approach in business economics

Pozdeev V.L. )

Definition of optimal capital structure of companies

Skobeleva N.V. / Ulmekalm E.A. )

Conditions of forest administartion

Chernyakevich L.M. / Milkova O.I. )


Problems of tax administration and prospects of their solution

Hanafeev F.F. )

Theoretical and methodological approaches of assessment system improvement

Smirnov A.A. / Sultanaeva L.D. / Shersteneva O.V. )

Tax price formation in modern conditions

Karataev A.S. / Karataeva G.E. )

Tax administration of small business in the region

Hanafeev A.F. )

Reaching stability of the bufget revenue of the russian federation subjects for the account of improvements in tax administartion institution

Kazakovtseva M.V. )


Normative legal regulation of optimisation and tax evasion discrimination

Boboshko N.M. )

Economic and law and statistical analysis of activities of regional commission regarding pardon

Shvetsov N.M. )

Rоle of accounting and internal control of security enforcement of economics for enterprises

Voskresemskaya N.M. )


Educational quality management inder present-day conditions

Shvetsov M.N. )

Clustering of regional market of insurance company

Bakumenko L.P. / Sarycheva T.V. )

Problems of quality of accounting and analytical imformation

Shilova L.F. / Rastamhanova L.N. )

Auditor’s assumption in the control system of audit quality

Azarskaya M.A. )


ISSN 2311-8733 (Online)
ISSN 2073-1477 (Print)

Journal current issue

Vol. 22, Iss. 9
September 2024
