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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

Vol. 30, Iss. 9
September 2024

Finance and Credit

  • Issues of assessing the FinTech impact on the financial sector's structure
  • Current issues of creating a new world monetary system
  • Analysis of the capacity of industry-specific education in Russia and the potential for competitive scaling of digital education provider's sales to foreign markets
  • Banking financial technologies: Evolution of development in Russia
  • Assessing the impact of environmental component on the development of Russian banks applying ESG policy
  • Evolution of the financial market: Concepts and mechanisms
  • Financial stability of companies and its relationship with corporate sustainability
  • Modeling of simultaneous investment, production and financial planning of the electronics industry's innovative development
  • New methods of investment prioritization in the development of cellular networks in Russia
  • The state of domestic agriculture: The Mari El Republic case
  • A critical review of domestic and foreign methodological aspects of financial strategies formation using a matrix method in modern realities
  • Assessing the financial independence of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  • Regarding the issue of Russia's finance
Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Vol. 23, Iss. 9
September 2024

Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

  • A methodology to assess the maturity level of the digital ecosystem and its testing on the IT parks case
  • Development of institutions for the digital transformation of the economy of Russian regions
  • Building a system of indicators of stability and sustainability of industrial enterprise production system functioning
  • Relationship between return on invested capital and market value of oil and gas companies
  • Innovative potential of business environment development in the virtual market at the digitalization stage
  • Marketing research as a source of competitive advantage formation
  • Brazil as a promising market for Russian technologies in the field of digitalization of agriculture
  • Novelties in the regulatory practice of reporting on sustainable development in the Russian Federation
  • Assessment of regional financial risk based on an integrated approach
  • Comparative analysis of the predictive power of statistical models of macroeconomic indicators in conditions of permanent crises
  • Using econometric methods to analyze and evaluate the relationship between digitalization indicators and the well-being of regions of the Russian Federation
  • Review of the monograph Strategizing of the Tourism and Trade Show Industries in the Russian Far East
Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Vol. 22, Iss. 10
October 2024

Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

  • Decision support system for assessing the economic efficiency of territorial-production clusters: Application issues
  • Small business in the economy of the Donetsk People's Republic: Current state and trends
  • Directions for improving the efficiency of the northern and polar areas' development, taking into account their specifics
  • Risks in the formation of special economic zones of Russia
  • Strategic planning of municipal development: Methodological approaches to determining growth areas
  • Socio-economic development of rural areas of the Krasnoyarsk Krai: Rating of municipal districts
  • Sustainable development of rural areas: Assessment methodology and spatial differentiation
  • Improving the tools for supporting entrepreneurship as a driver of the regional economy's sustainable growth under economic fluctuations
  • Models of energy development in the regions of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation
  • Formation of competitive advantages as the basis for the region's strategic development
  • Economic potential of the Chuvash Republic
  • Regional programmes as a tool for the region's economic development: The Primorsky Krai case study
  • A study of the consistency of domestic, export and world prices for forest products
National Interests: Priorities and Security

Vol. 20, Iss. 10
October 2024

National Interests: Priorities and Security

  • Risk protection of procurement based on the assessment of the risk tolerance of participants and contract initial price considering the risk capacity of goods, works, services, as a new research area
  • Proposed assessment of a scientist's academic activities
  • Localization of digital educational providers as a competitive counterbalance to the federal scaling of EdTech companies and supranational trends in the globalization of industry-specific business education
  • Managing the non-public company net assets decline risk through the profit participation rights regulation
  • Information resources protection technologies on the Internet
  • Specifics and principles of building a personnel motivation system at maritime transport enterprises
  • : Theoretical aspects of definition and classification
  • The limits to growth of the debt burden on the Russian economy
  • Technical and economic indicators and risks of using problematic innovations (the Apple iPhones case)
  • Factors of innovation activity and measures to bolster them to increase enterprise's competitiveness
  • Analysis of requirements for labor force development of hydrometeorological services in modern conditions
  • Financial control in the context of the use of digital technologies
  • Energy sanctions against Russia: Results and consequences
Financial Analytics: Science and Experience

Vol. 17, Iss. 3
July-September 2024

Financial Analytics: Science and Experience

  • Statistical methods to assess the stability of yield dynamics and labor productivity in the grain industry of the Orel Oblast
  • Analyzing the impact of ESG activities on the financial and investment performance of Russian companies
  • Current trends in the formation of the dividend policy of Russian companies
  • Approaches to controlling the work of the company and top management by the owner
  • An analysis of ecological jobs in the labor market based on a job-oriented approach
  • Analyzing the factors influencing the green bond market's development
  • An organizational model of staff remuneration in the financial management system
  • Theoretical aspects of the concept of "green" financing in the context of sustainable development
  • Unification of automated trading systems using the principle of interface segregation
International Accounting

Vol. 27, Iss. 10
October 2024

International Accounting

  • Hedging instruments to ensure the economic security of economic entities: Methodological background. Part 2
  • Modern accounting paradigm for presenting information on innovative activities of higher education institutions
  • Sales expenses of trade and manufacturing organizations: Theoretical aspects and accounting considerations. Part 2
  • Disclosure of non-financial assets in the accounting statements of universities: Current practice and prospects
  • A critical analysis of government grants accounting approaches. Part 2
  • The category of invested capital and its classification
Digest Finance

Vol. 29, Iss. 3
July-September 2024

Digest Finance

  • Methodological approaches to the assessment of innovation activity
  • Registrars as institutions for ensuring the development of the real sector of macroeconomics
  • A systems approach to improving the organization's management quality and the manager's personal effectiveness
  • The influence of monetary factors on the formation of nominal interest rates
  • Methods for assessing the enterprise economic security as a tool to diagnose threats to development
  • Digital platform creation in the insurance business to increase the efficiency of the internal control system