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ИД «Финансы и кредит»







Publishing house FINANCE and CREDIT

Publishing house FINANCE and CREDIT is an independent commercial Russian publishing company founded in 1995. The company specializes in publishing scientific periodicals in finance, economics, accounting and taxation.

The Editorial policy major objective is the accumulation of the best Russian and foreign articles on economics, finance, economic and mathematical methods, accounting, taxation, and law which reflect the results of research, science and innovation academic activities at universities and research institutions worldwide, and the leading specialists of enterprises and organizations.

Publishing house FINANCE and CREDIT cooperates with many universities in Russia and the CIS, participates in meetings of academic methodological associations for education in the areas of finance, accounting and the global economy, and it provides the ongoing necessary information support to the activities.

Currently, Publishing house FINANCE and CREDIT puts out eight journals, seven of which are included in the List of editions recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for publishing key results of theses for advanced academic degrees.

The company keeps on evolving dynamically following the basic goals, i.e. to satisfy the ever-growing readership information requests, as fully as possible.