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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Model and tools for evaluation of efficiency and level of innovative research activities of research organizations

Vol. 13, Iss. 8, FEBRUARY 2014

Available online: 9 February 2014


JEL Classification: 

Larin S.N. PhD of technical sciences, Senior Researcher, Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, RAS
larinsn@cemi. rssi.ru

Gerasimova L.I. Researcher, Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, RAS

Il''menskaia E.M. Researcher, Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, RAS

This article offers an approach to formalization of the main components of innovative activities of research organizations, taking into account the following: internal and external environmental impact parameters, knowledge accumulation-and-obsolescence character, new technologies application, governmental provision of incentives to increase the research organizations' innovative activities. The system of indicators to measure the efficiency and innovativeness of research organizations and their subdivisions. The authors show a new model of evaluation of the efficiency and level of innovative activities under the market competition conditions. The model conforms to the existing hierarchical multicriterion technique of quality evaluation in the terms of uncertainty.

Keywords: innovation, formalization of indicators, research organizations, evaluation of efficiency and level of innovative activities, model, hierarchical multicriterion technique of quality evaluation


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