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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

"Green" projects of oil and gas companies: economic issues

Vol. 13, Iss. 8, FEBRUARY 2014

Available online: 9 February 2014

Subject Heading: Innovations and investments

JEL Classification: 

Ratner S.V. Doctor of Economics Sciences, Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Economic Dynamics and Innovation Management, V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences

The article studies the dynamics of projects development in the field of the alternative-power technologies that are being realized by the major international power concerns (Shell, by Eni S.p.A is analyzed. Chevron, E.ON). The main activities of such companies are production, processing and/or transportation of hydrocarbons and electric-power generation. Social-and-economic and ecological aspects of participation of the oil and gas companies in implementation of such projects are the subject of the present study.. The author models the key economic parameters of projects on wind power (prime cost of generated energy without the cost of connection to a network and taxes) on the basis of methodology of the Boston consulting group and statistical data of the Global Council on wind power (Global Wind Energy Council) on introduction of new capacities during 2000-2012. The author forecasts the commercial efficiency of the projects on construction and use of wind farms in Russia.

Keywords: power concern, alternative power engineering, ecological management, wind power, commercial efficiency


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  2. Ratner S.V., Dira D.V. Methodological issues of tax incentives elaboration for alternative energy development [Metodicheskie podkhody k razrabotke mekhanizmov nalogovogo stimulirovaniia razvitiia al'ternativnoi energetiki], Finansy i kredit – Finance and credit, 2012, no. 20, pp. 27–36.
  3. Ratner S.V., Mikhailov V.O. Managing the development of energy technology companies in an open [Upravlenie razvitiem energeticheskikh kompanii v situatsii tekhnologicheskogo razryva], Upravlenie bol'shimi sistemami – Managing large systems, 2012, vol. 37, pp. 180–207.
  4. Ratner S.V., Narizhnaia O.Iu. Structure transformation of the global energy market [Transformatsiia struktury mirovogo energeticheskogo rynka], Zashchita okruzhaiushchei sredy v neftegazovom komplekse – Environmental protection in the oil and gas sector, 2012, no. 11, pp. 57–64.
  5. A National Offshore Wind Strategy: Creating an Offshore Wind Energy Industry in United States. EERE Information Center, 2011, February, 52 p.
  6. Chevron Renewable Power, Chevron, Available at: Link.
  7. Energy Futures. MIT Energy Initiative. Autumn, 2012.
  8. State and Trends on the Carbon Market 2012, Carbon Finance at the World Bank. Washington DC. 138 p.
  9. Wind Energy – The Facts, Available at: Link.
  10. Wind Report 2012 – Annual market update, GWEC, Available at: Link.
  11. 2011 Renewable Energy Data Book. U.S. Department of Energy, 2011. 128 p.

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ISSN 2311-8725 (Online)
ISSN 2073-039X (Print)

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