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Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

About the indicators of scientific activities

Vol. 13, Iss. 7, FEBRUARY 2014

Available online: 11 February 2014


JEL Classification: 

Orlov A.I. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, PhD of Physics and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, the Head of Laboratory of Economic and Mathematical Methods into Controlling of the Scientifically-Educational Center "Of controlling and Administrative Innovations", Bauman Moscow State Technical University

In connection with the problems of increasing the efficiency of research activities considered popular scientometric indicators. It is shown that the development of the scientific results are not necessarily connected with the publication of articles in scientific journals. Demonstrated incompleteness popular bibliometric databases. Established methodological inconsistency of estimation of research efficiency by the number of publications in top-rated western journals and their citations. Scientific activities of researchers and teams should be given as a result of expert examinations and public discussion of scientific results. Scientometric indicators calculated by the number of publications and citations in scientific journals, can only play a supporting (background ) role.

Keywords: scientific activities, efficiency indicators, choice, scientometrics, expertise, bibliometric databases, methodological errors


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