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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

The overdue changes in macroeconomic analysis

Vol. 13, Iss. 11, MARCH 2014

Available online: 15 March 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 2-10

Sukharev O.S. Institute of Economics, RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation

The global financial crisis of 2008-2010 has displayed low efficiency of the neoclassical macroeconomic instruments and recipes. This fact caused the world-wide ample and fierce debate about search for a new framework for macroeconomics. P. Krugman and J. Stiglitz proposed breathing life into the Keynesian economy-regulatory methods and creating of new financial mathematics and financial policy in contrast to the neoclassical school. The author considers the arguments for the "behavioral" macroeconomics put forward by G. Akerlof and R. Shiller, who ground the necessity of an energetic government participation in economic policy-making by recovering the concept of animal spirits. The author comes to the conclusion that there is a necessity to proceed from the structural relations in the economic-sectors development when planning financial policy. The analysis of the stereotype instruments of financial policy (types of financial and monetary policy) encourages the idea of consideration of behavioral model change of the agents within the economic structure and institutional regime.

Keywords: macroeconomic analysis, crisis, financial policy, structure, behavioral macroeconomics


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  12. Khrustalev O.E. Finansovye metody soglasovaniia ekonomicheskikh interesov uchastnikov investitsionnykh proektov [Financial methods of coordination of economic interests of investment-projects participants]. Audit i finansovyi analiz – Audit and financial analysis, 2011, no. 3.
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