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Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Efficiency criteria of the applied R&D management system in science-intensive industry

Vol. 13, Iss. 20, MAY 2014

Available online: 11 May 2014

Subject Heading: Management issues

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 2-15

Dutov A.V. Krylov State Research Center, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Klochkov V.V. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation

The article investigates methodological problems of analysis and measurement of the applied R&D management efficiency in the interests of science-intensive industry. The authors suggest a system of criteria of the R&D management efficiency for various decision-making levels. This system helps to estimate the efficiency of managerial innovation in the applied science in a more correct manner.

Keywords: science-intensive industry, applied R&D, management system, efficiency, criteria, hierarchy


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