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Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Current state and prospects of the coal mining on the example of the Kemerovo region

Vol. 13, Iss. 25, JULY 2014

Available online: 29 June 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 23-32

Lebedev V.I. Tuvinian Institute for the Exploration of Natural Resources of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Kyzyl, Russian Federation

Dabiev D.F. Tuvinian Institute for the Exploration of Natural Resources of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Kyzyl, Russian Federation

In the article author analyze the aspects such as the Russian the coal industry organizational structure of coal mining enterprises, the use of transfer pricing in the coal industry, the coal mining complex impact on the regional economy and the environment, the safety of coal mining and other relevant issues. The author conclude that for further development of the coal industry must implement a series of measures aimed at fundamental changes in the field of industrial safety, encourage the development of public-private partnerships, development of small and medium-sized businesses in the coal industry, introducing advanced technology and innovative mining and coal processing, coal development clusters of deep processing of coal and associated gas production.

Keywords: coal, Kuzbass, transfer prices, public-private partnership, coal mining safety, ecology, innovative technologies


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Vol. 23, Iss. 6
June 2024
