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Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Analysis of the business activity of commercial organizations: Sharia view

Vol. 13, Iss. 27, JULY 2014

Available online: 11 July 2014

Subject Heading: Financial analysis

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 35-43

Shovkhalov Sh.A. Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation

The heightened religious consciousness of the Muslim population and the increased demand to meet the theoretical gap in its life make the need for a comprehensive and systematic study of Islamic Economics. The article is devoted to the concept and methodology of assessment of business activity of commercial organizations according to the requirements of Islam. The findings will enhance the theoretical basis of enterprises in the bosom of the Shariah, as well as help in practical life to raise the level of business of the managing entity, observing the rules and regulations of the Islamic faith.

Keywords: organization, financial analysis, business activity, qualitative indicators, quantitative indicators, Islam, Sharia


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