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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

The cluster approach in the study of labor productivity in the agricultural sector of the regional economy

Vol. 13, Iss. 31, AUGUST 2014

Available online: 13 August 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 32-37

Buraeva E.V. Orel State Agrarian University, Orel, Russian Federation

The author proves the possibility and feasibility of using cluster analysis method in studying the labor productivity in the agricultural sector of the regional economy, due to the significant variation in the parameters of agricultural enterprises in the context of rural municipal formations, forms of ownership and the degree of specialization. The process of clustering of agricultural enterprises of the Orel region helped to examine the main factors affecting labour productivity in the agricultural sector. The analysis has identified three clusters: the ones with high, medium and low labour productivity. The article gives a detailed description of each cluster, reveals a direct impact on the labor productivity of factors such as the capital-labour ratio, the share of the active part of the basic production assets in their total cost, qualifications of employees. The author proposes the main activities aimed at increasing the labor capacity.

Keywords: labor productivity, agriculture, agrarian economy, growth factors, cluster analysis


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