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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Analysis of methods of estimation of production and innovation competitiveness

Vol. 13, Iss. 32, AUGUST 2014

Available online: 28 August 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 26-35

Bronnikova T.S. Finance and Technology Academy, Korolev, Moscow Region, Russian Federation

Dubinin V.S. Finance and Technology Academy, Korolev, Moscow Region, Russian Federation

Tarasenko E.V. Finance and Technology Academy, Korolev, Moscow Region, Russian Federation

The result of the competition for the society and the enterprise is its developmental nature. Therefore, enterprises are seeking and implementing innovation both incentive and driving force in achieving competitiveness. The analysis of the results of assessment of the level of competitiveness is a basis of searching for ways to increase the competitiveness of products. The authors have carried out an analysis of methods of assessing the competitiveness of a product to determine the feasibility of using them to evaluate an innovative product. The objects to assess competitiveness are steam reciprocating engines, gas engine models and steam-power units.

Keywords: analysis, innovation, technique, competitiveness


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