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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Methodological issues of applying the economic profit model to manage business valuation at the level of every organizational unit of a company

Vol. 13, Iss. 37, OCTOBER 2014

Available online: 10 October 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 34-43

Rozhkovskii A.L. Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

Importance The concept of business value management is very popular; however, its practical implementation causes difficulties.
     Objectives The available studies show that the main problem is to decompose a company's cost parameter at the operation level.
     Methods The article provides a comparative analysis of the existing methods of business valuation in terms of their applicability in the system of company management. I consider a company's value management in conjunction with modern approaches to organizational structure design based on the "internal market" model. This approach encourages entrepreneurial behavior within an organization and helps each business unit to understand its role in enhancing the company value. I offer tools to assess the contribution to the company's value of not only business units, but also of all corporate subsidiaries. I have formulated proposals to create a social responsibility system within a company to ensure proper behavior of the internal market participants. I draw attention to the errors, which are often identified in assessing the value under income approach and provide recommendations to prevent them. The practical significance of the recommendations includes the possibility of their use in working out an organizational design, estimating efficiency of business units, and elaborating measures to increase the value of business.
     Results The economic profit model is to the maximum extent applicable to business valuation management. It is possible to calculate the economic profit on the basis of transfer prices, which depend on the role of business units in the domestic market. In this case the annualized capital value should be a basis for economic profit calculations.
     Conclusions and Relevance I demonstrate that when calculating the required rate of return under a cumulative method, it is necessary to take into account an average risk premium in addition to the risk-free rate, and for the later periods of a company's life cycle the rate of return should be lower.

Keywords: business valuation, management, economic profit, transfer price, discount rate, IRR, equity, CAPM, accrual basis, internal market


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