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Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

The main trends of research in the field of energy efficiency: economic, institutional and social aspects

Vol. 13, Iss. 40, OCTOBER 2014

Available online: 26 October 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 2-13

Ratner S.V. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation

Importance Recently, economic and institutional problems of conservation and energy efficiency have received increasing attention in the Russian scientific literature. However, many studies in this area are aimed at identifying system bottlenecks of supply and the solution of the local energy management tasks, while the general problems of the study of barriers to the deployment of energy-efficient technologies, including alternative energy, throughout the modern Russian socio-technical systems still stay out of focus of research efforts.
     Objectives The purpose of the study is to conduct a large-scale copyright bibliographic review of English academic sources of the last 10-15 years on the proliferation of energy-efficient technologies as innovations that affect the basis of the socio-technical system, and therefore requiring an interdisciplinary approach to research and study.
     Methods As the basic research methodology, I have selected the theory of energy-efficiency gap, describing the situation in the socio-technical system when the existing technical-technological opportunities to improve energy efficiency (including through the use of alternative energy sources), despite their potential economic viability are not used fully for the reasons of various kinds. The works for the review were selected on the basis of the results of searches in the databases of Scopus and e-library, as well as the comparing their context and the list of the cited papers. Totally, I selected 47 English-and 4 Russian language sources to review. These sources helped me to select the most complete taxonomy of barriers to industrial energy efficiency, presented by Steve Sorrell, Alexandra Mallett and Sheridan Nye, from the Sussex Energy Group, SPRU, University of Sussex, to consider the basic classes of barriers and to identify advantages and disadvantages of the proposed taxonomy.
     Results As a result, I propose possible directions of research, on which Russian scientists could make a significant contribution to the development of the theory and methodology of the diffusion of innovation in the energy sector in socio-technical systems not only in Russia, but also at the global level.

Keywords: barriers, energy efficiency, energy efficiency gap, classification, taxonomy, bibliographic, literature review


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