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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Managing development of industrial enterprises by target characteristics imbalance indicators: theory and practice

Vol. 13, Iss. 45, DECEMBER 2014

Available online: 3 December 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 29-43

Shageev D.A. Russian-British Institute of Management, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation

The article deals with the problems of managing the development of industrial enterprises using the indicators of target characteristics imbalance. The need for quantitative estimations of target characteristics imbalance appears when sustainable development of an enterprise is ensured in conditions of competition, and the goals of the enterprise and those of internal and external stakeholders are contradictory. The author defines such parties as groups of people with common interests that form subsystems or independent objects interacting with the enterprise as an integral organizational system. The author presents the results of theoretical and practical studies. As theoretical aspects, the author proposes the following: concepts of "target characteristic", "life cycle of imbalance" and others; conceptual and cyclic models of the control mechanism of enterprise development by imbalance indicators; ten new control functions of enterprise development by imbalance indicators; a hypothetic model of life cycle of imbalance; special criteria and indicators for assessing the level of balance, quality indices and target characteristics; a special algorithm to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of management of enterprise development by target characteristic imbalance; a matrix of selecting a strategy of development management based on the results of assessing balance levels and management quality. The author tested the theoretical research results at JSC "Chelyabinsk metalworks" industrial enterprise.

Keywords: Keywords: industrial enterprise, development, target characteristics, balance level, life cycle, imbalance, control function, economic risk


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