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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

The method of assessing research work results

Vol. 13, Iss. 46, DECEMBER 2014

Available online: 7 December 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 50-59

Troshin D.V. Institute for Problems of Economic Security and Strategic Planning, Finance University under Government of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

Importance Assessing research results, particularly of applied research, is an important task to ensure innovation processes. Research works deliver scientific results of intellectual activity to promote new lines of development. However, assessing their economic potential is a complicated and controversial problem despite the availability of a number of research papers dealing with the topic. Researchers use different indicators. Very often their lists are redundant and inconsistent. As a rule, for assessment purposes the methods of convolution are used, which are subjective and difficult for interpretation.
     Objectives The analysis of existing scientific groundwork leads to the conclusion that the task of developing a method of adequate assessment of research results from the standpoint of their application for innovative product development is relevant enough. The article presents a method, which focuses on practical application in planning and implementing innovation processes.
     Methods The method development bases on the qualitative analysis of research results and their intended purpose. To formalize the composite index of research results' quality, I used the method of aggregation and ranking of alternatives against multiattribute ideal situations (ARAMIS). The article analyzes the existing methods of research results evaluation and pays great attention to applied indices. I have substantiated the list of indices, which characterize research results taking into account the axiological and ontological aspects, and proposed linguistic scale of indices evaluation. Based on the ARAMIS method, I have proposed a model of integral assessment of research result quality, which is adapted for use by practicing senior management.
     Results The method enables to develop methods for practical application and to provide intuitive interpretation of the results of assessment for investment project development purposes.
     Conclusions and Relevance The method can be used in organizations conducting research, in contractor organizations and in the State authorities engaged in planning innovation economy development.

Keywords: Keywords: result, intellectual activity, research activity, evaluation, novelty, validity, significance, scale


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