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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Methodological approaches to the study of the phenomenon of Russian enterprises success

Vol. 13, Iss. 47, DECEMBER 2014

Available online: 12 December 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 23-33

Milekhina O.V. Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

Adova I.B. Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

Importance We consider the success of companies as a strategic advantage for survival in increasing competitive conditions.
     Objectives We propose to organize a systematic cooperation of all interested parties in two main directions, related to the formation of system metrics and evaluation of the results of ongoing activities in comparison with the prior periods and positions of competitors in the space continuum of information of the organization, and localization of the strategic areas of the business, identifying key success factors, the choice of managerial decisions on the preparation and implementation of strategies leading to success.
     Methods To justify the success metrics system of public companies, we have characterized the financial and accounting, statistical, managerial, and corporate methodological approaches; we have assessed their applicability in terms of metrics formation, and we propose a prototype of an empirical database of quantitative and qualitative indicators of successful public companies.
     Results We have analyzed literature sources on the issues related to the success and impact of socio-economic systems. The analysis showed the different semantics of the dictionary entries and business turnover. It also showed that the success, on the one hand, is a static characteristic of the company, the degree of attainment of the objectives and, on the other hand, it is external and internal company's recognition, making it attractive for business partners, investors and other interested parties, as well as the satisfaction of its staff, providing productive result-oriented behavior. The long-term success is equated with the concept of success as the dynamic characteristics of the productive activities of the company. The tested hypothesis on the observance of the golden rule of the economy has shown that according to public reporting of 90 companies, successful by Expert RA rating agency, the rule fails for most of the organizations (67.8%). The analysis of quality indicators for the entire array formed also gives mixed results.

Keywords: success, successfulness, parties concerned, competitive environment, financial indices, database


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June 2024
