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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Methodology and tools to analyze and assess the opportunities of economic adaptation and sustainable development of industrial enterprises

Vol. 14, Iss. 1, JANUARY 2015

Available online: 8 January 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 41-53

Machin K.A. Polzunov Altai State Technical University, Barnaul, Altay region, Russian Federation

Under modern conditions of intensive economic changes caused by system shocks, the early warning system tools and diagnostics of adaptive abilities in building a sustainable development strategy become increasingly important at industrial enterprises. The main subject of the article is a methodology for analysis and assessment of economic adaptation and sustainable development of an enterprise depending on the dynamics of external and internal environment. However, the external and internal environments are formalized into the concepts of extraversion and introversion of an enterprise, where factors, processes and pressure groups stand out as main generators of changes and early warning opportunities. Each factor and subject of the pressure groups is measured by monitoring indicators, based on which integral parameters describing internal and external environment of an enterprise are calculated. The correlative comparison of extra- and introcontrol indexes enables to assess the flexibility of adaptation and sustainability of enterprise development based on the matrix analysis. Proceeding from these estimates, industrial enterprises should establish an adequate strategy of economic adaptation and sustainable development. I conclude that increased control over factors and groups of pressure results in increased or maintained efficiency of an enterprise. The tools described in the article may be useful for analytical work of planning and economic departments of enterprises, and will enable to build an adaptation strategy for sustainable development based on early warning indicators. Practical application of the concept and methodology of adaptive management will allow enterprises to continue their development even in crisis conditions of modern economic reality.

Keywords: indicator, control, introversion, extraversion, enterprises, early warning system, sustainable development, flexibility, adapting, strategy


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