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Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Dependence on electronic components import and ways to overcome it (the space industry case)

Vol. 14, Iss. 3, JANUARY 2015

Available online: 18 January 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 2-17

Bendikov M.A. Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation

Ganichev N.A. Institute for National Economic Forecasts, RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation

Importance The problem of import-dependence and import substitution has become a serious factor of the Russian economy development. This primarily relates to the dependence on the electronic components base (ECB).
     Objectives The paper researches the dependence of the Russian economy on the import of crucial foreign technologies. We aim to identify the scale of the problem and to justify the ways to overcome it.
     Methods The methodology we use is the systematic and component-based analysis and economic forecasting. The scope of research results' application is the Russian economy and its high-tech sector. We assess the Russian economy dependence on the import of ECB and consider possible ways to overcome it. We pay particular attention to the problem of electronic components import in the Russian space industry. The problem solution is considered in two aspects: short-term, when immediate response is required in import substitution, and a long-term strategy. One of the results of the study performed by the Institute of Economic Forecasting of RAS, which is presented in this paper, is an alternative development strategy of electronic components base in Russia in the long-term run.
     Results A series of measures designed to substitute imports of crucial technologies for the domestic high-tech industry, should include the following: responsibility and direct involvement of the State in the creation and development of import substitution infrastructure, active cooperation in technology transfer, provision of State guarantees; improvement of the legislative and normative base in the sphere of protection of all domestic producers; choice of priorities, primarily, in the sphere of special electronics; tax preferences and benefits (exemption of certain incomes from profit tax; reduced rates of profit tax; tax holidays; special economic zones with preferential taxation).
     Conclusions and Relevance We highlight the issues of customs regulation of the import of essential equipment; comprehensive stimulation of domestic developers of new import substituting products; availability of trained human resources; availability and accessibility of the main types of manufacturing resources (equipment, materials, raw materials); development and refinement of domestic supply chains, i.e. a launch of a component base must be supported by the proprietary production of critical equipment, materials and CAD systems.

Keywords: imports, dependence, import substitution, strategy, electronic component base, high technologies, aerospace industry


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