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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Corporate fraud: asset misappropriation schemes analysis and ways to manipulate reporting

Vol. 14, Iss. 4, JANUARY 2015

Available online: 31 January 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 2-13

Kogdenko V.G. National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Russian Federation

Subject The article studies the problem of detecting corporate fraud, and it deals with the peculiarities of corporate fraud in Russian companies.
     Objectives The aim of the study is to develop analytical tools for detecting corporate fraud.
     Methods The methodological basis amounted to objective principles of a system approach, grouping the data, the use of economic analysis, logical and integrated approaches to the assessment of economic phenomena and processes.
     Results It is determined that one of the peculiarities of corporate fraud in Russian companies is part of management. I have analyzed the factors that increase the risk of corporate fraud and present the main ways of corporate fraud appropriation and accounting manipulation, as well as their consequences. The paper shows how to assign assets in relation to fixed assets, inventories, receivables, and cash. It says of the assignment of financial schemes, including schemes involving sales, marketing, service, license, financial, industrial, and holding companies. I have also analyzed the means of the company's overstatement of expenditures and present schemes of statements manipulation. I have examined the causes and conditions of the manipulation of the accounts and ways to manipulate the fair value of assets, including intangible assets, financial instruments and other assets. I submit fraudulent schemes of overstatement of revenue and profits, lowering the costs and obligations. So I am proposing an algorithm for detecting corporate fraud that includes six phases: analysis of the quality of reporting; analysis of major transactions with assets; analysis of the reasonableness of the value of assets; market analysis; analysis of the compliance of the performance resources with the industry (market) level; analysis of the profitability of the company and its contractors. I base the indicators to assess the quality of reporting, including the quality of total assets, current assets, revenues, expenditures, profits.
     Relevance The article can be useful to specialists of economic security and internal control services.

Keywords: corporate fraud, asset misappropriation schemes, ways to manipulate records, fair value, detection


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