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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Theoretical aspects of risk management and directions of perfection of methods of analysis of tax risks of the organization

Vol. 14, Iss. 4, JANUARY 2015

Available online: 31 January 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 14-25

Vinokurova T.P. Belarusian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives, Gomel, Republic of Belarus

In the current economic environment, any entity runs the risks, including those associated with changes in tax laws, the calculation and payment of taxes, tax audits. Evasion and avoidance of risk are not always possible and the best options. Therefore, work with risk must be constant and purposeful. Increased interest in the exploration of risks appeared after the adoption of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of October 16, 2009 № 510 "On Improving the control (supervision) in the Republic of Belarus". However, the document uses the concept of risk as a generalized, featureless one, that is, the risk associated with the conduct of the business (economic) activities. The Decree does not address methods of determining the presence and extent of tax risk of a business entity. Previously, I proposed objective and subjective methods of analysis of tax risks of a separate business entity. The article proposes tax risk analysis techniques for the holding company. On the basis of the study of the economic literature on risk management, I am offering my own definition of tax risk. I came to a conclusion that a comprehensive review of the tax risks in relation to the economic activity of the organization permits to identify its most significant tax risks in the current time period, calculate their chances in the long term, to develop and introduce timely measures to minimize them.

Keywords: risk, risk management, tax risk, analysis


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Vol. 23, Iss. 6
June 2024
