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Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Formation of a cluster model of the forestry complex's sustainable development through combination of corporatization and building networks

Vol. 14, Iss. 11, MARCH 2015

Available online: 15 March 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 26-39

Rezanov V.K. Pacific National University, Khabarovsk, Russian Federation

Rezanov K.V. Radiostroi Company, Khabarovsk, Russian Federation

Importance Whereas the modern economic environment requires to ensure sustainable development, it is necessary to improve and find new ways of development and management of the forestry complex. Here we should mention the mechanisms for strategic integration management, which rely on the cluster technologies and pursue the formation of regional and industrial complexes or clusters.
     Objectives In this respect, there is a need to summarize regional studies of production integration in the context of the formation of the comprehensive clustering paradigm relating to the forestry complex within a well-forested area. As the main objective, the integrating process study aims at the formulation of methodological and practical recommendations on how to set up a forestry cluster using the combination of corporatization and governing by network coupled with project management and umbrella structures.
     Methods Drawing upon analytical and expert methods and systems approach, the authors have reviewed separate issues of integrating development of the forestry complex within the well-forested area and prepared the draft cluster model.
     Results The study reveals common patterns showing how business corporatization and networked structures develop, highlights specific aspects on the basis of the mutually related private strategies and organizational and economic mechanisms. As for the latter, we should mention wood processing centers and umbrella organizations (ecological and technological parks) as cores of the cluster. The study compares parameters of integrated structures and indicates organizational architecture of the ecological and technological park. It also presents the results of the expert review of private strategies for setting up wood processing centers (corporate, network, project, umbrella, and cluster). The study generates the plan describing how to form a cluster model of the forestry complex within the well-forested area, including competitive advantages (and cluster classes), hierarchy of private strategies and evaluation methods, methods to identify growing points and cluster centers, organizational structures (cluster cores), integral efficiency and methods for convolution of indicators.
     Conclusions The authors conclude that the forestry complex will experience the most sustainable development when the cluster model uses the combination of corporatization and governing by network, and the combination relies on project management and umbrella structures.

Keywords: integration, corporatization, governing by network, sustainable development, strategy, clustering policy, clustering technologies


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