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Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

RETRACTED: Analysis of the socio-economic quality of self-learning organizations in cognitive economics

Retraction reason: Redundant publication. The article has been published in Journal: Link
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Retraction date September 25, 2019


Vol. 14, Iss. 11, MARCH 2015

Available online: 15 March 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 49-63

Salikhov B.V. Moscow Witte University, Moscow, Russian Federation

Salikhova I.S. Moscow Witte University, Moscow, Russian Federation

Subject The subject of the article is a system of economic relations which are currently playing in the creation and development of self-learning organizations as a specific form of innovation economic structures in contemporary cognitive economics, or the knowledge reproduction economics.
     Objectives The objective function of the study is the analysis of the socio-economic quality of endogenous intentions of corporate learning objectively predetermined by the need in continuous innovation. The analytical tasks of the paper are the updating of competition in the area of cognitive entity-based relations; the essence identification and analysis of quality properties of the phenomenon of corporate learning; an analysis of the main forms of self-learning organizations under the leadership of universities; the analysis of the nature of a learning organization in the domestic economy.
     Methods The methodological bases of the research are the key provisions of the behavioral economics and systemic paradigms associated with the maintenance of non-economic and interdisciplinary factors of socio-economic dynamics.
     Results The scientific novelty of the article is the results of the analysis of the socio-economic quality of learning organizations. First, we prove that the intent of the corporate learning is a critical factor for the socio-economic sustainability of the enterprise in the conditions of competition in the markets of knowledge and products. Second, we define the essence and propose classification attributes and describe the qualitative characteristics that distinguish the self-learning organization from a standard common one. Third, we conclude on the key role of universities as major attractors in the creation and development of the key forms of learning organizations. Fourth, we reveal the basic problems of formation of self-learning organizations in the national economy.
     Relevance The provisions of the article can be used in the formation of scientific paradigms in the field of further socio-economic analysis of self-learning organizations and the process of cognition of modern economics.

Keywords: self-learning organization, cognitive economics, cognitive corporate sector, core competencies, classification features, quality parameters, socio-economic genotype, enterprise, entrepreneurial universities, university centers, integrated intellectual capital, technologisation, educational activities


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Vol. 23, Iss. 6
June 2024
