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Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

The relationship of dynamics of learner's readiness to get established in profession with the type of employment

Vol. 14, Iss. 14, APRIL 2015

Available online: 6 April 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 11-24

Borisova A.A. Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

Timofeeva A.Yu. Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

Importance Significant losses due to non-major employment of college graduates make search certain instruments of the management mechanism supporting the educational and career paths of professional formation. Identification of cause-effect conditioning methods to enhance trainees' vocational readiness and its future employment would reasonably adjust the efforts of the University to ensure the acceptable values of the coefficient of 'employment of graduates on speciality'.
     Objectives The main objective of the study is the impact force performance diagnostics of professional capacity in the distribution of graduates in the labor market according to the size of the training received.
     Methods The authors built a theoretical model describing a dependence of dynamics of learner's willingness and the future employment. For testing the model, the authors have developed an empirical base and representative methodological tools of diagnosis of the dependencies between the input parameter (the dynamics of learner's readiness) and the resulting value (type of employment). Using ordinal logistic regression, the authors have tested the studied dependence.
     Results The study confirms the positive relationship between the rate of increase in the learner's profession readiness at different stages of the realization of the paths of professional formation and the type of graduate's employment: the increasing availability with a varying measure of intensity (from moderate to intense) increases the probability of a graduate in the acquired profession, and the reduced one leads to leaving the profession. The results obtained confirm the availability to target regulatory values of the coefficient of employment of graduates of specialized professions by entering the tools for building a learner's readiness to take place in the profession. The authors proposed and justified the regulators, which should be included in the student tracking system and promote a core employment.
     Conclusions and Relevance The identified nature and direction of the dependencies will allow predicting a possible increase of the frequency of profile of graduates' employment as a consequence of the change in the level of readiness in key stages of the educational and career path.

Keywords: employment, graduate, trade, preparedness, contingency table, ordered logit model, latent factor


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