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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

A method of improving competitiveness of industrial gas-turbine engines by assignment for temporary use

Vol. 14, Iss. 23, JUNE 2015

Available online: 23 June 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 26-40

Mikhailov A.A. United Engine Corporation, Moscow, Russian Federation

Subject A slumping demand for oil and gas in both the domestic and foreign market together with government control of natural monopolies necessitates budget reallocation of companies operating in the fuel and energy industry. One of the ways to solve the problem is engine leasing, which enables to reduce downtime.
     Objectives To develop a method for determining a reasonable composition of the revolving fund of industrial gas-turbine engines at the repair plant, enabling to take into account the specifics of using industrial engines according to their intended purpose, as well as special aspects of their repairing, delivery and storage.
     Methods The article defines the necessary reserve of engines under the method of modeling the operation of the fleet of gas-turbine engines within the gas transportation system or distributed power utilities. It allows reducing the costs of operators caused by gas transportation or energy equipment downtime due to the lack of properly functioning engines.
     Results I performed the simulation of the fleet operation of AL-31ST engines within the gas transportation system of Russia, and of GTD-6RM engines within the objects of distributed power utilities. I determined the value of financial losses of the operating organizations caused by the lack of efficient engines, the amount and composition of the required revolving fund of reserve engines, which allow cutting such losses. I assessed the profit of repair companies from assigning the reserve engines for temporary use. For each type of engines, I evaluated the economic effect from temporary use as compared with traditional methods of building the revolving funds of operators.
     Conclusions and Relevance
A substantiated approach to determining the composition of revolving fund of gas turbine engines at repairing plants and the cost of their use per hour increases the competitive advantages of United Engine Corporation in the market of industrial gas turbine engines. The obtained results may be interesting for both the operators of industrial gas turbine engines and their producers.

Keywords: competitiveness, lease, industrial gas-turbine engine, gas transportation company, operator, repairer, service hour, operation, financial losses, revenue, repair provider


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Vol. 23, Iss. 6
June 2024
