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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Analyzing the national competitiveness of tourism and travel: implications for CIS countries

Vol. 14, Iss. 30, AUGUST 2015

Received: 8 April 2015

Accepted: 15 June 2015

Available online: 31 August 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 53-64

Safarova N.N. Institute of Forecasting and Macroeconomic Research under Cabinet of Ministers of Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan

Importance The article addresses the issues of competition and competitive ability of a destination, which enable to make a comparative analysis of the tourism industry of countries and regions with the world leaders in this area and find new approaches for further development.
     Objectives The study aims to review the importance of the indicators of competitiveness of the tourism industry in various countries for attracting international tourists; to identify the main factors limiting the tourism development in the CIS nations; to make recommendations for further improvement of the national competitiveness of tourism.
     Methods The study employed the methods of cross-section regression analysis, international benchmarking, correlation analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction.
     Results The correlation analysis shows that competitiveness of the industry and investments in tourism are crucial factors in determining the international tourist flows. I assess the impact of each component of the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI) on international tourist flows. According to the findings, major competitive advantages of the CIS destinations are concentrated in human, natural and cultural tourism resources, which create fundamental conditions for attracting foreign visitors. Almost all the considered countries have a very high rating of public health and sanitation. The weakness of the countries is the tourist infrastructure. It requires government support and regulation for promotion and development.
     Conclusions To improve the competitiveness of the CIS countries' tourism sector, it is necessary to further develop tourism infrastructure, promote tourism products internationally, reinforce the country image, protect nature and tourism resources, ratify international conventions etc.

Keywords: Travel &Tourism Competitiveness Index, TTCI, destination, infrastructure, resources


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