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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

The financial status of diamond-cutting and jewelry enterprises of the region

Vol. 14, Iss. 34, SEPTEMBER 2015

Received: 24 June 2015

Accepted: 10 July 2015

Available online: 20 September 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 55-66

Grigor'eva E.E. Scientific-Research Institute of Regional Economy of North, North-Eastern Federal University (NEFU), Yakutsk, Sakha Republic, Russian Federation

Ivanov I.E. Mining, Jewelry and Diamond-Cutting Department of Ministry of Industry of Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Yakutsk, Sakha Republic, Russian Federation

Importance Diamond-cutting and jewelry enterprises are part of the Diamonds Factory of Yakutia, which generates a significant share of the region's industrial production. Their development and financial status have a direct impact on the Republic's socio-economic development. The susceptibility of industries to shocks in the global economy entails a financial instability of the enterprises.
     Objectives The objectives are to identify the problems related to financial support to diamond-cutting and jewelry enterprises and to analyze their financial and economic indicators.
     Methods We used methods to reconcile statistical data, and calculated financial indicators, i.e. a net profit ratio and receivables to payables ratio.
The analysis of production and sale of diamonds and jewelry shows that after crisis recovery there are soaring sales of jewelry and diamonds. The increasing overall production of jewelry makes Yakut manufacturers expand in-house sales networks, however, only in the local market. The main problem of diamond-cutting and jewelry businesses continues to be the lack of working capital to buy costly feedstock (raw diamonds and precious metals).
     Conclusions and Relevance Under unstable economy, a State unitary enterprise is the most viable form of incorporation to raise funds to purchase expensive rough diamonds.

Keywords: dynamics, production, liquidity, Diamonds Factory, competitive environment


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