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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Telecommunication operator as a social and economic system

Vol. 14, Iss. 38, OCTOBER 2015

Received: 2 September 2015

Accepted: 14 September 2015

Available online: 24 October 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 37-48

Kobylko А.А. Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation

Subject The article considers the organization of telecommunications as an economic system through the analysis of activity and prospects for further development of the Russian telecommunications market being one of rapidly developing industries.
     Objectives The study aims to identify areas of further research to make adjustments to the practical activities of telecommunication operators on the basis of the recommendations of the theory.
     Methods Telecommunication operators are analyzed from the perspective of the theory of economic systems, which is actively developing at present. The activity of the telecommunication operator is considered from the perspective of its compliance with four types of social and economic systems, i.e. project, process, environmental, and object types.
     Results The findings show that at the present stage of development, the telecommunication operator does not relate to the environmental economic system. It combines the features of all four types of economic systems, thus acting as a polysystem. The main form of the operator's functioning is a hybrid business model (hybrid mobile network operator), when services are rendered to a subscriber by both the telecom operator and its competitor.
     Conclusions Considering an operator as a polysystem, it is necessary to adjust theoretical recommendations, given the specifics of its activity, including the strategic planning area. There is a need to develop a hybrid approach to building a harmonious comprehensive strategy of telecommunication companies, which would include the creating a strategy both within the company and with the involvement of external consultants.

Keywords: telecommunications, communications service provider, hybrid mobile network operator, socioeconomic system, polysystem


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