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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Methodological approaches to integrated assessment of region's economic capacity and its utilization level

Vol. 15, Iss. 8, AUGUST 2016

Received: 4 December 2015

Received in revised form: 17 February 2016

Accepted: 17 May 2016

Available online: 31 August 2016


JEL Classification: R10, R11, R12, R13

Pages: 86-97

Karginova V.V. Institute of Economics of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation

Importance The article considers the characteristics of regional economic systems, which determine the vector and the pace of their development, in particular, the value of existing assets and the effectiveness of their involvement in economic activities.
Objectives The objective of the study is to analyze and compare the characteristics of regional economic systems.
Methods I performed a critical analysis of existing approaches to the definition of the region's economic potential and offered an original approach to this category interpretation. The study rests on methods of empirical research and applied statistics. The research results are systematized with the help general scientific methods.
Results The revealed complexity and limitations of the existing methodological approaches to the integrated assessment of the region's economic capacity formed the basis of my original methodology. I assessed the level of economic potential realization by Russian regions. The assessment showed a high degree of divergence of regions by this indicator due to infrastructure constraints and the need for economic space reorganization.
Conclusions and Relevance The developed methodological may be useful for complex analysis of regional economic systems to identify opportunities and instruments of increasing the gross regional product. The advantage of the approach is the analysis of individual sectors of economy that helps integrate obtained results into the regional development strategy in the form of specific activities.

Keywords: asset, capitalization, value added, gross regional product, region


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Vol. 23, Iss. 6
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