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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Chemical macro technologies capacity building using the technology platform mechanism

Vol. 16, Iss. 3, MARCH 2017

Received: 20 January 2017

Received in revised form: 15 February 2017

Accepted: 21 February 2017

Available online: 29 March 2017


JEL Classification: О10, О32

Pages: 502-511


Misbakhova Ch.A. Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation

Importance The main factor of modern economy competitiveness is the accelerated development of innovation, which is embodies in new scientific knowledge, products, technologies, services, equipment, skills, organization of production. From this perspective, the formation of technology platforms is of special importance.
Objectives The purpose of the research is to evaluate the results of economic sectors development, on which basis industry specific technology platforms in the sphere of chemical macro technologies are formed.
Methods I assess economic sectors, using a comparative analysis, analysis of time series, and analysis of structural changes in production in those sectors of economy, on which basis relevant technology platforms are organized.
Results The paper shows the behavior pattern of relevant industries development prior to the formation of technology platforms, and those changes that can be observed in the industry as institutions of innovation and innovation infrastructure evolve. It also includes the case study of the Kama innovation cluster of the Republic of Tatarstan to describe the experience in cluster activation for cooperation relations development.
Conclusions The research describes the main aspects of chemical macro technologies development using the mechanism of technology platforms, presents tools to use the cluster approach to developing the sphere of chemical macro technologies to build internal and external cooperative networks, identifies problems and solutions to enhancing the synergy of technology platforms and cluster initiatives, considering the Russian economy specifics.

Keywords: technology platform, chemical macro technology, cluster, activation, cooperation


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