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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Digital transformation of regional economy as a strategic potential of its development

Vol. 18, Iss. 6, JUNE 2019

Received: 19 February 2019

Received in revised form: 6 March 2019

Accepted: 22 March 2019

Available online: 28 June 2019


JEL Classification: O18, O32, R10, R59

Pages: 999–1013


Sabinina A.L. Tula State University (TulSU), Tula, Russian Federation


Izmalkova S.A. Tula State University (TulSU), Tula, Russian Federation


Sycheva I.V. Tula State University (TulSU), Tula, Russian Federation


Subject We consider the digital transformation of regional economy as a strategic potential of its development, enabling to make sound management decisions on the basis of big data exchange.
Objectives Our purpose is to develop an integrated approach to implementation of digital transformation project in high-potential economic sectors and in the social sphere of the region, including the State and municipal management.
Methods We employ methods of economic and statistical analysis, the theory of integrated entities, and expert estimates.
Results The paper substantiates the list of key actors to implement digital transformation project in the regional economy. These actors have a potential for integration and cooperation at various levels of interaction in big data exchange. We offer a methodological approach to developing a distributed partnership system to unlock the potential of the economy in the interests of regional digital platform creation. We also present an organizational model for the formation of a distributed partnership system to implement the digital transformation project in economic and social sphere of the Tula Oblast.
Conclusions There is a need for qualitatively new digital transformation of managerial, industrial, scientific, educational and other business processes, using the new-generation intelligent information systems. These systems enable the participants of a regional digital platform to exchange big data to make sound management decisions in the interests of strategic development of the territory.

Keywords: regional economy, digital transformation, strategic potential, regional digital platform


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ISSN 2311-8725 (Online)
ISSN 2073-039X (Print)

Journal current issue

Vol. 23, Iss. 6
June 2024
