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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

The science and technology imperative for Russia's competitiveness during the conceptualization of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0)

Vol. 19, Iss. 3, MARCH 2020

Received: 11 December 2018

Received in revised form: 28 December 2018

Accepted: 16 January 2019

Available online: 30 March 2020


JEL Classification: O32, O33

Pages: 454–474


Baburina O.N. Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University (AUMSU), Novorossiysk, Russian Federation


Gurieva L.K. Financial University under Government of Russian Federation, Vladikavkaz Branch, Vladikavkaz, Republic of North Ossetia – Alania, Russian Federation


Subject The article discusses the state and potential of S&T development in Russia in terms of the competitiveness of the national economy at the dawn of the fourth industrial revolution.
Objectives The research is aimed to examine Russia's position in the Global Competitiveness Index, considering the way countries worldwide prepare for the fourth industrial revolution. We also determine Russia's part in the global economy and international division of labor. The article also formulates the issue of S&T development so as to outline recommendations for the national economic policy.
Methods The research employs the new methodology of the World Economic Forum during the rise of Industrie 4.0. Other tools include the microsystems analysis, statistical, historical and comparative methods.
Results Considering the low innovative activity of entities and relatively low R&D costs, we still emphasize the resource-based profile of Russia's foreign trade. We substantiate the possibility of increasing the global competitiveness of the national economy and imperative nature of S&T development in the country concurrently with the fourth industrial revolution.
Conclusions Despite the slugging innovative activity and insufficient labor productivity for technological business, Russia's economy continues to climb the Global Competitiveness Index. There are respective conditions for information technology and creation of the large national market in Russia. Thus, Industrie 4.0 clears new horizons for Russia to change its positions in the international division of labor. The State should contribute to the development of the national S&T potential, increase innovation investment, and undertake active measures to prevent social issues and overcome the regressing integration of Russia into the global microsystem.

Keywords: competitiveness, Russia's competitiveness, fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, national technology initiative


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