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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Technical and economic analysis of certain types of service robots

Vol. 19, Iss. 10, OCTOBER 2020

Received: 10 September 2020

Received in revised form: 19 September 2020

Accepted: 30 September 2020

Available online: 29 October 2020


JEL Classification: O14, O33, O35

Pages: 1965–1986


Komkina T.A. Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (CEMI RAS), Moscow, Russian Federation


Nikonova M.A. Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (CEMI RAS), Moscow, Russian Federation


Dubinina M.G. Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (CEMI RAS), Moscow, Russian Federation


Subject. The article analyzes development trends in certain types of service robots, namely, hybrid UAVs, bionic prosthetic hands, robotic vacuum cleaners.
Objectives. We focus on identifying the main trends in the development of certain types of service robots, building dynamic models of their technical indicators and models of dependence of their price and weight on absolute characteristics and technical parameters.
Methods. The study employs methods of correlation and multiple regression analysis. The data of the IFR, the Remotely Piloted Aircraft System, and websites of robot manufacturers serve as the informational basis of the paper.
Results. The modeling unveils positive correlation between the integrated indicator of the technical level of hybrid UAVs of convertiplane type and the wingspan. The analysis of modern bionic prosthetic hands shows that the developers focus on optimizing the structure of the prosthetic, however, as the functions of the hand improve, the weight of bionic hand increases. The main factors influencing the price of robot vacuum cleaners are their power, weight, and operating hours.
Conclusions. The unit price of a complex indicator of the technical level of hybrid UAVs is lower than the corresponding indicator of fixed-wing UAVs, reflecting a greater efficiency of hybrid UAVs. The analysis of technical indicators of robotic prosthetics (using the case of bionic hands) shows that any improvement of functional characteristics leads to deterioration of weight. The analysis of technical and economic indicators of robotic vacuum cleaners reveals a positive correlation between the price and weight, operating hours and power.

Keywords: service robot, unmanned aerial vehicle, hybrid UAV, drone, bioprosthesis, robotic vacuum cleaner, t echnical and economic performance


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