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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Influence of social networks on business processes’ development

Vol. 19, Iss. 12, DECEMBER 2020

Received: 11 August 2020

Received in revised form: 30 August 2020

Accepted: 12 September 2020

Available online: 25 December 2020


JEL Classification: L86, M11, M15

Pages: 2225–2252


Popov E.V. Urals Institute of Administration, Branch of RANEPA, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation


Simonova V.L. Urals Institute of Administration, Branch of RANEPA, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation


Komarova O.V. Ural State University of Economics (USUE), Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation


Kaigorodova S.S. Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin (UrFU), Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation

ORCID id: not available

Subject. The emergence of new ways of interaction between sellers and buyers, the formation of new sales channels and product promotion based on the use of digital economy tools is at the heart of improving the business processes. Social networks became a tool for development; their rapid growth necessitates theoretical understanding and identification of potential application in enterprise's business process digitalization.
Objectives. We explore the role of social media in the digitalization of business processes, systematize the impact of social networks on business processes of enterprises in the digital economy.
Methods. The theoretical and methodological analysis of social networks as a tool for digitalization of company's business processes rests on the content analysis of domestic and foreign scientific studies, comparison, generalization and systematization.
Results. We highlight the key effects of the impact of social networks on the business processes of the company; show that the digitalization of business processes should be considered in the context of a value-based approach, aimed at creating a value through the algorithmization of company operations. We determine that social networks are one of the most important tools for digitalization of company's business processes, as they have a high organizational and management potential. We also systematize the effects of social media on company's business processes.
Conclusions. We present theoretical provisions of the impact of social networks on business processes of enterprises, which will enable to model and organize ideas about the development of digital ecosystems and the formation of business models.

Keywords: business process, digitalization, social networks, social media, social media effects


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