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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Application of digital capabilities in the insurance business

Vol. 22, Iss. 2, FEBRUARY 2023

Received: 13 December 2022

Received in revised form: 22 December 2022

Accepted: 9 January 2023

Available online: 28 February 2023


JEL Classification: G22, М21, M41, М42

Pages: 254–263


Aksana A. TURGAEVA Financial University under Government of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation


Natal'ya N. KOCHETKOVA Astrakhan State University (ASU), Astrakhan, Russian Federation


Nataliya A. IGLINA Astrakhan State Technical University (ASTU), Astrakhan, Russian Federation


Subject. The article considers digital opportunities for long-term development of insurance business.
Objectives. Our aim is to identify the problems of introducing digital technology capabilities into the insurance business, define components that make up the problem under consideration.
Methods. The study draws on methods of statistical analysis, justification, and comparison.
Results. The research is based on the following principle: the need for development – opportunities for development – practical application of opportunities – advantages of implementation. The paper presents stages of development of informatization and digital transformation processes in Russia, unveils the dependence of the activity of citizens, using digital services of insurance organizations, on the number of digital services of insurance organizations, determines the need to develop digitalization of business processes of insurance organizations.
Conclusions. Active transition of insurance companies to the digital environment will speed up many business processes, in particular, underwriting, marketing, loss settlement. Digital reality is inevitable for the insurance market and requires new methods for evaluating the effectiveness of digital services and mobile applications.

Keywords: insurance, digital platform, remote monitoring, information and analytical system


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Vol. 23, Iss. 6
June 2024
