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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Assessing the state and need for standardization of accounting for biological assets and results of their biotransformation

Vol. 23, Iss. 2, FEBRUARY 2024

Received: 26 January 2024

Received in revised form: 6 February 2024

Accepted: 15 February 2024

Available online: 29 February 2024


JEL Classification: М41, Q11, Q19

Pages: 204–222


Rolan A. ALBOROV Udmurt State Agricultural University (UdSAU), Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic, Russian Federation


Svetlana V. KOZMENKOVA National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (UNN), Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation


Grigorii R. ALBOROV Udmurt State Agricultural University (UdSAU), Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic, Russian Federation

ORCID id: not available

Meri K. DZHIKIYA Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University (RTSAU), Moscow, Russian Federation

ORCID id: not available

Subject. The article addresses the need to standardize the requirements (rules) of organization and accounting for biological assets and harvested (derived) agricultural products.
Objectives. We focus on developing a draft standard for accounting for biological assets and agricultural products, exploring the regulations and specifics of the practice of valuation, accounting for biological assets and agricultural products, underpinning the sections and provisions of draft standard "Biological Assets and Agricultural Products".
Methods. The study employs general scientific and special methods, like analysis, synthesis, modeling, abstraction, systematization, and generalization of obtained outcomes.
Results. Based on the results of the study, we developed a draft standard "Biological Assets and Agricultural Products". The findings can be applied by the regulator in the field of accounting, as well as by economic entities for proper organization of accounting for biological assets and agricultural products at fair value.
Conclusions. To ensure the reliability of accounting data and accounting (financial) statements, the proposed draft standard "Biological Assets and Agricultural Products" should be critically reviewed, comments and recommendations should be made to improve the draft standard for its further promotion.

Keywords: biological asset, agricultural product, accounting, fair value, biotransformation


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ISSN 2311-8725 (Online)
ISSN 2073-039X (Print)

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Vol. 23, Iss. 6
June 2024
