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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Digest Finance

Modernization of methodology to assess the outcomes and effectiveness of social development

Vol. 20, Iss. 1, MARCH 2015

Available online: 19 February 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 2-15

Vinogradova N.A. State University - Education-Science-Production Complex, Mtsensk Branch, Mtsensk, Orel Region, Russian Federation

Importance Indicators of social development are the subject of the research.
     Objectives The aim of the research is to develop a methodology for building an integral social development indicator and substantiate the reason for its use.
     Methods The methodology of building an integral social development indicator involves a number of stages. I defined a set of indicators by the social development sectors. An integral social development indicator should include three blocks: social, environmental and economic ones. The three blocks include the indicators that reflect the level of a respective sector's development. I converted the data to normal distribution. I have verified the data conformity with the normal type of distribution, and rated the data by standard deviation for stimulating and non-stimulating indicators. Using the indicators, I have deduced a function of a standard integral distribution and built a correlation matrix of indicators. Then, I determined the weights of indicators included in the indices and calculated indices by the selected blocks.
     Results My paper provides calculation of an integral development of society, which involves the data of 187 countries. I consider the degree of the harmonious development of countries. The analysis shows that the use of an indicator of the societal development provides an objective view of the State, taking into account a broader and balanced set of indicators.
     Conclusions and Relevance An indicator calculation enables to use it in cross-national comparisons to obtain an objective view, describing the development of any State and its position among other countries.

Keywords: effectiveness, social development, index, economic, environmental, sphere, method, integral indicator, society development


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ISSN 2311-9438 (Online)
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Vol. 29, Iss. 2
June 2024
