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Higher education in Russia: Facts and figures

Vol. 28, Iss. 4, DECEMBER 2023

PDF  Article PDF Version

Received: 31 August 2023

Received in revised form: 10 September 2023

Accepted: 11 September 2023

Available online: 28 December 2023


JEL Classification: H52

Pages: 404–419


Yuliya V. ZHIL'TSOVA National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (UNN), Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation


Subject. This article focuses on the issues of development of human capital, which is the most valuable resource for any modern State. These issues are directly related to personnel sovereignty, Russia's innovative development and ensuring its national security.
Objectives. The article aims to identify the trends in the development of the national institution of higher education in Russia.
Methods. For the study, I used general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, and forecasting.
Results. Based on the study of changes in macroeconomic indicators, the article identifies a trend towards a decrease in interest in higher education due to a number of objective economic reasons that determine the choice of young people in favor of specialized secondary education.
Conclusions and Relevance. In the light of the trend of increasing government spending, the analysis of the changes in financial indicators made it possible to draw a conclusion about the general social orientation of national projects and programmes, despite the most difficult conditions for the formation of the federal budget of Russia at present. But a difficult priority problem is a steep increase in the budgetary provision of the quantity and quality of higher education in Russia in the situation of the need to modernize it and maintain a high level of the human development index. The figures, facts, opinions and conclusions presented in the work can be used in the scientific and practical activities of specialists in the field of public finance and demography, as well as in the educational process of higher education.

Keywords: reform. higher education, level of education, government spending, national project "Education", figures, trends


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Vol. 29, Iss. 2
June 2024
