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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Financial Analytics: Science and Experience

Development of tools for evaluation of financial stability of enterprises of the military-industrial complex

Vol. 7, Iss. 10, MARCH 2014

Available online: 9 March 2014

Subject Heading: Financial management

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 2-13

Avdonin B.N. JSC Central Research Institute Elektronika, Moscow, Russian Federation
instel _a@instel.ru

Bat'kovskii A.M. JSC Central Research Institute Elektronika, Moscow, Russian Federation

Mingaliev K.N. Financial University under Government of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

Bat'kovskii M.A. Vanag, Ltd, Moscow, Russian Federation

The article considers the problem of improvement of tools of an assessment of financial stability of the enterprises of defense industry complex of Russia. The authors analyze the operating system of the aggregated indicators of its assessment and define the main directions of development in the modern conditions, considering risks of loss of financial stability. They develop the technique of an assessment of financial stability of the enterprises of the defense industry complex having a joint-stock form of property which make nearly 80% of their total number.

Keywords: military-industrial complex, enterprise, financial stability, tools, model, development


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