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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Financial Analytics: Science and Experience

Modern approaches to formation of infrastructure for ensuring innovation development of Russia

Vol. 7, Iss. 29, AUGUST 2014

Available online: 2 August 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 19-27

Gavrilova N.M. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russian Federation

The article states that at the present stage of economic development, the innovation infrastructure is an essential resource to accelerate innovation processes in the Russian economy. The world economy is characterized by the tendency of heightened rates of development of innovation infrastructure in comparison with the development of organizations that produce innovative product that in its turn leads to an acceleration of the transition through the innovation chain: from idea to finished product. Unfortunately, we fail to see this tendency of the heightened rates the innovation infrastructure of development in the Russian economy. The research, which was conducted by the authors have shown that the development of the Russian economy has resulted in the separate and generally not sufficiently interconnected elements of an innovation economy. The author points out that the presence of the innovation infrastructure does not allow to suggest the existence of the system infrastructure for innovation processes. There is a certain discrepancy between the real needs of innovative sector and providing of innovation activity. The author points out that there is the need to create a single interrelated set of innovative infrastructure that could facilitate the effective passage of the "innovation corridor". Innovation infrastructure must become the integrating system, which task is to ensure the effective functioning of national innovation system (NIS) in Russia. Theoretical complexity of description of NIS infrastructure lies in the fact that the concept of the type of infrastructure and its functions are blurred, boundaries between the types are not distinctive, separate functions of organizations of infrastructure can perform and other organizations are not registered as organizations of infrastructure. Each researcher creates its own view on the structure of the infrastructure and he pursues his own objectives and methods, which results in the fact that the concept of the national innovation system (NIS) is unstable and uncertain. The legal and regulatory framework of the Russian Federation also does not include the documents that would contain the full list of functional units and elements of infrastructure. The author resolves the challenge of developing the best architecture of infrastructure of NIS.

Keywords: national innovation system, innovation, infrastructure, process


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