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Financial Analytics: Science and Experience

The concept of manageable banking environment

Vol. 7, Iss. 37, OCTOBER 2014

Available online: 9 October 2014

Subject Heading: BANKING SECTOR

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 27-40

Ezrokh Yu.S. Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

Importance In the article, I propose and substantiate the concept of the manageable banking environment as the theory describing the change of the real competitive status of the modern Russian banking system.
     Objectives The study aims to determine the theoretical fundamentals of the functioning of competitiveness of the national banking environment in conjunction with the factors of influence and the generated effects (intra-systemic and non-systemic ones).
     Methods In the paper, based on a synthesis of scientific knowledge contained in the works of the leading economists in the field of banking competition and competitiveness (197 publications have been analyzed), I propose the new concept of the banking competitive environment and approaches to its management.
     Results I prove the heterogeneity of the Russian bank environment, and in order to describe the competitive conditions I emphasize as follows: introduce the concept of the "basic conditions of the intra-segment competition"; prove the non-uniform characteristic of the Russian banking market competition, because along the subjects of the competition with the partially monopolistic capabilities, there are also the pure competitors; classify the competition factors, proceeding from the relation of the subject of initiation to the competitive environment, its direct or indirect emergence and influence. I also define the principles of the banking environment competitive management (efficiency, economic justice, high social responsibility), and set forth forcibly the need of application of the social concept of restriction of level of monopolistic possibilities of the particular subjects of the competition with the State participation in the capital. I demonstrate that the competition as characteristic of the banking environment is changing over time and it affects the economic agents.
     Conclusions and Relevance I came to a conclusion that the continued absence of the State policy aimed at the management of the competitive national banking system may reduce the competition, efficiency and banking system sustainability.

Keywords: competition, bank, competitive environment, banking system, monopolistic


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