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Financial Analytics: Science and Experience

Development of information support for the innovation activity of industrial enterprises on the basis of controlling

Vol. 7, Iss. 39, OCTOBER 2014

Available online: 22 October 2014

Subject Heading: Innovation

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 12-24

Yur'eva L.V. Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation

Kazakova M.A. Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation

Importance The problem of the effective management of the innovation activities of industrial enterprises is closely linked with the information support of management decisions.
     Objectives In the rapidly changing external environment, the flow of information, requiring the operative processing, significantly increases. It requires the establishment of an analytical system, which would be able to meet the growing information needs.
     Methods As a conceptual framework to establish such a system, we propose to use the controlling technology. Its use to develop the innovation activities of industrial enterprises will enable to systematize and simplify the information support for managing organizational changes, which is necessary to create a business, which is flexible in responding to the internal and external changes in the environment. Our article presents the controlling as a synthesis of the controlling management functions such as planning, management accounting, analysis, control and formation of the information system architecture, which improves the efficiency of the company's internal processes and develops its innovation activity. Based on the balanced scorecard (BSC), we propose a modified model of the indicative scorecard: a system of competitive balanced scorecard (СBSC) using the case of a metallurgical holding. The model reflects the relationship of competitive strategy with the company's internal and external environment, and it can be implemented in an industrial enterprise. The model provides the analysis of an enterprise's activity in six key areas: finance, customers, internal processes, staff training and development, individual characteristics of the main competitors, inter-holding analysis of the enterprise's activities.
     Results Our article presents the goals and functions that allow generating the indicators belonging to the different СBSC spheres. In each СBSC field, we have identified certain separate segments. The part of the sphere of the indicators, which is characterized by the particular unity, constitutes the segment. As a result, we propose a structural and logical model of the controlling of the innovation activities of a metallurgical holding.

Keywords: controlling, innovation, activity, performance indicators, system, strategic analysis


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