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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Financial Analytics: Science and Experience

Prospects for Russia's entry to the market of the Asia-Pacific region

Vol. 8, Iss. 1, JANUARY 2015

Available online: 8 January 2015

Subject Heading: GLOBAL ECONOMY

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 49-55

Medvedev I.V. Tver State University, Tver, Russian Federation

Importance The article examines the prospects for Russia's entry into the Asia-Pacific region's market.
     Objectives The relevance of this research is in the need to develop business relations between Russia and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region against the background of their rapid economic growth and reduced consumption in the EU economies.
     Methods Based on the system analysis, the article studies a possibility of Russia's entrance to the new market and considers both positive and negative consequences for Russia in case of establishing relationships with new business partners in the Asia-Pacific region. According to forecasts, which were made as part of the study, I describe the trend existing in the EU countries, which try to get rid of, or at least, to minimize their dependence on energy supplies from Russia. For that reason, a search for alternatives is a regular solution, and the Asia-Pacific region market is one of the most successful alternatives for Russia. In case of successful reorientation away from the EU market to the Asia-Pacific region market, Russia will not only get the largest energy consumers with constantly growing economy, but also a powerful tool of pressure on the Eurozone countries.
     Results The article focuses on strengthening relations with the BRICS countries. In this respect, improving the relations with partners from the Asia-Pacific region may become a step towards in creating a strong economic union, which will likely outrun the United States and the European countries in economic development.
     Conclusions and Relevance The findings enable to understand the reason why the improving trade relations with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region is the best solution as compared to the attempts to continue cooperating with the European Union countries under condition of reducing consumption and the attempts of the European Union countries to lower their dependence on Russian supplies.

Keywords: Asia-Pacific region, BRICS, European Union, partner, economy, oil, market


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Vol. 17, Iss. 2
June 2024
