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Financial Analytics: Science and Experience

Comparative evaluation of sectoral investment attractiveness with a territorial binding: an instrumental and methodological approach

Vol. 8, Iss. 5, FEBRUARY 2015

Available online: 6 February 2015

Subject Heading: Investment policy

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 2-9

Dukanich L.V. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russian Federation

Importance Due to the limited investment resources in the RF regions during the post-crisis period, the problem of objective evaluation of territories' investment potential and the selection of attractive investment activities for them get a particular relevance and practical significance.
     Objectives In addition to ensuring the reliability of estimates, it is very important, in particular, for the purpose of the regular monitoring of the regions' investment potential, to be able to evaluate them using the clearly designed and mathematically correct algorithm. It gives the possibility to automate calculation procedures and to organize data storage.
     Methods In the article, I offer the methodological and instrumental approaches to solve the problem of comparative assessment of the investment potential of regions' territories and the choice of their attractive investment activities. The paper proposes a methodological approach to solving the comprehensive task of selecting territories and attractive investment activities in the multi-criteria environment using the TOPSIS method. The approbation of the proposed instruments is realized by using the Federal Districts of the Russian Federation case study.
     Results While realizing the TOPSIS algorithm, I have received integral evaluations of the Federal Districts' investment potential with the involvement of eleven individual criteria.
     Conclusions and Relevance I conclude that the application of the TOPSIS method for multi-criteria evaluation of investment potential and economic activities for regions' territories enables to improve significantly the validity of investment decisions due to the following reasons: a mathematically sound and relatively simple algorithm for calculating integrated estimates; possibility of multi-criteria formulation of the problem without limitation of the number of criteria involved; minimization of subjective factors impact; the possibility to use integrated assessments as the rating of the territories and to organize the monitoring of investment attractiveness on their basis.

Keywords: investment, potential, territory, investment attractiveness, branch, private indicator, integrated estimation, TOPSIS method


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