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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Financial Analytics: Science and Experience

Development of managerial leadership as a factor in productivity growth

Vol. 8, Iss. 8, FEBRUARY 2015

Available online: 26 February 2015

Subject Heading: Economic policy

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 57-64

Minaeva T.S. Financial University under Government of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

Importance Solving strategic tasks of the sustainable economic growth of the national economies requires further research aimed at enhancing administrative work performance. Enhancing of personnel's labor efficiency should be based on the modern principles of human resources management, where managers' personal qualities, as well as the ways to improve the performance of each employee, assume particular importance.
     Objectives The paper emphasizes that the modern competitive business environment requires strategic solution to the problem of enhancing the labor productivity efficiency.
     Methods In the research, I examined the functions of general, territorial and functional managers in multinational companies. In view of improving the efficient criteria of top managers' activity, I have analyzed to what extent individual human qualities development combined with their professional activities, contribute to the market value increase, and will lead ultimately to company's enhanced profits. The paper shows that the current modernization requirements and the economy's innovations require the further improvement of large corporations' management system. In order to solve these issues, I used the conceptual approaches to successful implementation of corporate universities tasks.
     Results In the current context, we may witness the gradual shift from the command management style, especially among intellectual workers. Correct configuration of roles and tasks for top managers is extremely important in the system of transnational companies' management.
     Conclusions and Relevance I conclude that in all cases, however, the manager must be a charismatic leader, who may serve as a model and who encourages subordinates to perform the efficient work.

Keywords: labor productivity, strategic management, human resources, leadership, personality, manager, knowledge management


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