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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Financial Analytics: Science and Experience

A system approach to comprehensive monitoring of banking risks

Vol. 8, Iss. 17, MAY 2015

Available online: 17 May 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 27-36

Aliev B.Kh. Dagestan State University, Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, Russian Federation

Salmanov S.I. Dagestan State University, Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, Russian Federation

Importance When monitoring is regarded as a functional system used to counter threats of originating and developing banking risks, it pursues maintaining the stability of the banking sector and mitigating risks and their consequences. Studying the process of monitoring the banking risks as a separate type of activities at all levels of the banking system management, we can define it as systematized work of specialists and units within commercial banks and the Central Bank of Russia using specific tools and methods.
     Objectives Banking system monitoring relies upon a system approach that provides for an analysis of commercial banks' operations as a single ramified system that consists of mutually related and dependent components. Analyzing the literature on probable models for monitoring banking risks, we may conclude that such monitoring should be present at two levels. First, it refers to monitoring of banking risks at the macrolevel, i.e. the level of the Central Bank of Russia. Second, it implies a research at the microlevel, i.e. the level of a commercial bank.
     Methods Based on an indicative and integrative approach to monitoring, we suggest that the banking sector of Russia should apply a comprehensive system of monitoring banking risks. The system is driven by interaction and balanced activities of the centralized and decentralized subsystems, which will identify, evaluate and forecast trends in risky situations the banking sector may be exposed to, on a timely and ongoing basis. The Central Bank of Russia and commercial banks are regarded as entities monitoring banking risks, while banking risks are a focal point of such monitoring, which should be identified in line with definite indicative parameters.
     Conclusions and Relevance The development and implementation of the banking risks monitoring model in the banking sector explicitly demonstrates that, as its most important objective, the monitoring process pursues setting up a multilevel system that would prevent monitoring procedures from being disassociated at the macro-and microlevels (centralized and decentralized subsystems of marketing).

Keywords: monitoring, risk, banking system, management, risk assessment, forecasting


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Vol. 17, Iss. 2
June 2024
