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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Financial Analytics: Science and Experience

The Russian experience in providing remote banking services (the case study of the Orenburg region)

Vol. 8, Iss. 24, JUNE 2015

Available online: 30 June 2015

Subject Heading: Economic policy

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 26-35

Reznik I.A. Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russian Federation

Importance In the current circumstances, commercial banks develop and offer an ever growing number of services for the public. Retail e-banking services become a promising area of banking, especially in those regions where the market is not very much developed, though the paying capacity of population grows. E-banking is one of the most beneficial activities for banks. The research focuses on economic relationship between banks and customers in terms of satisfying customers' needs in electronic banking services.
     Objectives The objective of the research is to examine expertise in delivering remote banking services of commercial banks in the Russian market and the Orenburg region, in particular.
     Methods The methodological underpinning comprises methods of comparative analysis, grouping, comparison, analytical sampling, etc.
     Results Upon the analysis of the banking services market, I evaluate prospects for various banking products offered in the regional market. The research pays special attention to practical implementation of banks' competitive positions in the market. I substantiate the need to integrate a customer-oriented approach in the servicing process. As proved by the research into e-banking services at the regional level, concurrently with the Internet banking, banks actively develop other related services, such as online trading, online insurance, remote servicing mechanism Bank-Client Online based on the Faktura platform (Commercial Bank RUS' and Joint Stock Commercial Bank Forshtadt).
     Conclusions and Relevance As its theoretical significance, the research solves issues of creating the competitive market of e-banking services, new servicing formats using alternative options to deliver banking products. The results of the research may be useful for the Russian banks in outlining their pricing strategy. As a result of the research, I conclude that the further development of e-banking will depend on IT progress, stiffening competition in the markets due to increasing demand for intellectual services, growth in e-commerce, emergence of the network economy, etc.

Keywords: bank, banking service, Internet, remote servicing, electronic banking, distant banking servicing, electronic


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