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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

Improvement of instrumentation system of effectiveness evaluation of innovative projects eligible for grants

Vol. 20, Iss. 28, JULY 2014

Available online: 21 July 2014

Subject Heading: Innovation development

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 11-20

Iashin S.N. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhniy Novgorod – National Research University, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russian Federation

Kovrizhin E.A. JSC Master of Innovation, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russian Federation

The article suggested new criteria for the evaluation of innovative projects participating in public tenders for grant funding. These criteria take into account both the purposes of strategy of innovative development of the Russian Federation and key factors of successful implementation of innovative projects. The authors propose a method of calculation of integrated assessment of grant application taking into account the work of expert committee to assess a number of criteria.

Keywords: grant, innovation, investment, projects, efficiency, business


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  4. Iashina N.I. Teoreticheskie i metodicheskie osnovy upravleniia biudzhetom: riski dokhodnoi chasti biudzheta [Theoretical and methodical fundamentals of budget management: risks of budget revenues]. Finansy i kredit – Finance and credit, 2004, no. 8, pp. 30–37.

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