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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

Insurance mechanism of credit support for the Russian mortgage bond issues

Vol. 20, Iss. 39, OCTOBER 2014

Available online: 23 October 2014

Subject Heading: Insurance

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 37-45

Kamyshev A.V. OJSC Insurance Company AHML, Moscow, Russian Federation

The article considers the external mechanism of credit support for Russian housing mortgage bond issues, i.e. mortgage insurance. The author states that this type of insurance focuses on covering capital losses on bank loans. The insurance has a long history of evolution in developed mortgage markets and a special regulation, which is necessary for banking risk transfer to the insurance sector to prevent an imbalance in the financial system. Without changing the economic substance of credit risk insurance on mortgage loans, the configurations of insurance cover differ in terms of insurance size and conditions depending on regulation of banking and insurance sectors in various countries. Given the specifics of insurance cover applied in transactions with mortgage-backed securities (MBS), the author assesses the impact of mortgage insurance on the MBS credit quality and cost. The conclusion is that the mortgage is an exclusively significant factor of economy and social stability development. However, compared with many developed and emerging markets, this segment is still rather weak in Russia: the capital market is not interested in it. As for the banks involved in securitization, they often make transactions beyond their capacity, incurring considerable expenses and undertaking the load on their capital without improving their positions on the primary market. Therefore, there is a need for innovation mechanisms stimulating capital mobilization in this segment, which will eliminate long-term risks from balance sheets of banks and contribute to reducing interest rates on mortgage loans. The study demonstrates that the mortgage insurance may become the required stimulating mechanism.

Keywords: mortgage insurance, credit, risk, support, mortgage-backed securities, spread, option


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