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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

Financial mechanism of State support to small and medium businesses in Russia: problems and the development prospects

Vol. 20, Iss. 40, OCTOBER 2014

Available online: 26 October 2014

Subject Heading: Financial policy

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 17-26

Bol'shukhina I.S. Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation

The article states that small and medium business support is one of the priority areas of the Russian social and economic policy. According to Federal Law "On Small and medium business development in the Russian Federation" of July 24, 2007 № 209-FZ the powers of the subjects of the Russian Federation include working out and implementing regional programs for small and medium business development based on national and regional socioeconomic, ecological, cultural and other specifics. To implement various measures in this area in 2013, the State allocated over 32.51 billion rubles from the State budget and issued State guarantees in the amount of 20 billion rubles. The article emphasizes that the main areas of financing the small and medium enterprise (SME) support program are as follows: assistance to companies that develop and introduce innovative products; subsidy in interest rate on loans to SME; compensation of SME cost of equipment purchase; assistance in developing SME plant leasing; expanding self-employment programs for the unemployed transferred to the reserve; support to social entrepreneurship; increasing the capitalization of special infrastructure to support small and medium business (microfinance centers, guarantee funds, private equity funds); creating business incubators, industrial parks, technology parks, centers for entrepreneurship, centers for cluster development, centers for prototyping, centers for collective access to equipment, etc. The author has identified the shortcomings in the interaction of the State and small and medium businesses under respective programs and disclosed the dynamics of the key performance indicators in 2008-2012. The study specifies perspective areas to improve and update the programs for State regulation and financial support to small and medium business in Russia.

Keywords: small, medium, enterprise, SME, State financial support, subsidizing, instruments, state regulation


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